This a blog about my life and all the things that happen in between plans; deep thoughts, silly stories, and everything else.


Mini Adventure

   I had an amazing weekend adventuring with Sarah and I can't wait to tell you all about it! We did and saw a lot of really great things so that post is going to take me a little while to write and put together. Until then I thought I would share with you my mini-adventure from today!

     I planned for today to be kind of a lazy day to recover from all of the walking of the weekend and general insanity that was last week. I let myself sleep in nice and late then lazed around my room for even a while longer. When I felt good and rested I decided to set to work on getting a few supplies that I would need for the first day of classes tomorrow (that's right, I don't have class on Mondays!). So I walked to the stationer (basically an office store) to get a very few basic things like notebooks and envelopes with the guidance of Yelp and the map function on my trusty iPhone. After missing at least half of the streets I was supposed to turn on, spending a lot of time back tracking, and finally finding the store and getting only the most bare bones supplies I headed for home already yawning and ready to go back into lazy bum mode.

     When I arrived at my street I randomly decided that it was the right time to finally take a look around the other side of the street and see what things lay the in opposite direction of my school and the shopping district. I am so glad I did because look what I found!

p.s. you can click on the pics to see them bigger
     As it turns out, just behind the building across from mine is Regent's Canal. That explains why I can see a sign for the Isligton Boat Club from my window. The canal isn't much more than a wide, probably deep, slow moving river but in a place that is all city it's a lovely change of scenery.
     Just a little further down the road I found the Graham Street park. There is a little patch of grass, a wonderfully scented garden, a modest playground, and lots benches looking out onto the canal and the little row boats moored outside the boat club (apparently it's closed on Mondays). It is so much quieter here than it is at my building which is right off a busy street. I will definitley be spending some lunches on these benches!

     Feeling pleased with myself at having found such a quaint park (sorry, there really is no better word for it), I headed out and decided to just walk up to the next street before turning back for my own building as the only thing I saw any further was residential areas. At the very next cross street I noticed that you could go down to a path right next to the canal a lot like at Cherry Creek back in Denver. However, unlike Cherry Creek, here, the canal was lined with an array of beautifully painted wooden boats that appeared to be house boats of some kind. Can you imagine what a lifestyle that must be?! I'm really happy to have found such a calm, secluded area so close to home!

     And that is the story of today's mini adventure. Stay tuned for a much longer story about this weekend's much bigger adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Cailey let's move onto a houseboat post-collegiate experiences.


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