This a blog about my life and all the things that happen in between plans; deep thoughts, silly stories, and everything else.


It's Time!

My friends, the time has come... I leave for London tomorrow!!!

Thus, welcome the the official beginning of my travel posts in my same old blog!

Yes, in just about 12 hours from this very moment I will be taking off on my first of two planes en route to Newark then Heathrow! My eminent departure means that basically all of today was spent in a mad packing whirlwind. Of course I didn't start packing earlier and of course I didn't put any thought into the prospect other than to pack underpants... planning ahead, who does that?

This is how my day started, prospects looked grim.

This is no vacation I'm going on. No, I am basically moving to a foreign country for a few months and despite my mom's constant reminders that there are stores with things like shampoo and socks in London I couldn't help but feel that I need a solid supply of all the basics. It doesn't help that I am a sentimental person who derives joy and comfort from inanimate objects so I felt like I was dissing some of my favorite t-shirts when I had to leave them out of the suitcase... yeah, I know that's weird. I had to give myself a few sentimental allowances so I've got my crazy looking charming stuffed owl that my mom bought me just because she knows I like things that are borderline ugly because I think they're "charming" and owls. He makes me happy. I've also got a rock that I randomly picked up on the grounds at the Renaissance Faire one day during the parade, drew a face on, and dubbed Cliff MacLeod. He's coming with me to see the sights of London and report back to all of our faire friends.
Cliff is more ready to go than I am.

At first I thought I'd have plenty of room in the suitcase for all my stuff. For being away for three months and having to be prepared for all kinds of occasions and weather I thought I did pretty good at sticking to just the essentials... I was wrong. Mike was quick to point out to me that I had way too much stuff but I chose to not believe him and just keep going. In this particular case his expertise as a single suitcase wielding boy turned out to be spot on because with out him and my space bags my giant suitcase would still be 3.5 lbs. over the 50 lb. limit!

It doesn't matter if you have all the space in the world,
get some space bags just for the joy of watching your stuff
shrink into dense, misshapen blobs!

Good news, somehow I managed to fit it all in there with out even having to expand the suitcase to its full size! So now I'm officially done packing and all that is left is to heft my giant suitcase, stuffed shoulder bag, and bursting purse to the airport tomorrow morning and hope that I have enough entertainment to keep me alive for the 11 hour plane ride I have ahead of me.

Plus Angry Birds and a new movie on the iPod...

So with all my rocks packed and owls smashed flat I guess I am finally ready to go... in theory that is. Of course in reality I'm completely freaking out that I am about to leave my house and my family, pets, and friends for a very long time to be in a very far away place. But the thought of all the old rock stars that I will potentially get to stalk in London is good consolation!

I arrive in London at 6:45 a.m. Tuesday (their time) where my most amazingly wonderful friend Sarah is going to meet me at the airport and take me on the tube to my residence hall. From there I will have the rest of the day to get settled in and hopefully sleep off a bit of the jet lag that I am so dreading. Then, on Wednesday the official orientation activities begin and the rest will be history!

Thanks for reading and the next time I post it will be from Merrye Olde, see you then!

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