This a blog about my life and all the things that happen in between plans; deep thoughts, silly stories, and everything else.


British Thing of the Day #1 - Crumpets!

     When you think of British traditons do you think of tea and crumpets? Of course you do! But do you know what crumpets are? You will now!

     I am here to tell you, Crumpets are best described as pure British deliciousness! They're nothing fancy, really just a type of bread or muffin that are readily available in packages at every grocery store I've been to so far. But for a carb fiend like me they are an oh-so-tasty treat!

Fancy a cup of tea and a crumpet?

     I bought a package from Sainsbury's on a whim the other day just because they're so darn British and I'd never actually had a crumpet before. The package recomends browning them just a little more than they already are on a hot skillet, presumably to make them a little bit toasty. Honestly, if this were America and there was a toaster in the near vicinity I'd probably be very inclined to pop them in there. I, however, don't have a toaster or a skilet so I usually just put them in the microwave for a second to make them all warm and steamy (though this step is completely optional). Then I like to pour a nice layer of raspberry jam on top which I'm pretty sure is not at all what they are intended for because the package says something about greens and goat cheese... plus, the jam sort of leaks through the bottom and always ends up getting my hands all sticky. Not the classiest method of crumpet preparation, I'm sure, but it gets the job done!

MY crumpet and PG Tips... Mmmm!

     Secretly, I think crumpets might actually be the same thing as english muffins. They are very similar in size, shape, and possesion of nooks and crannies. And doesn't it just seem like and American thing to do to adopt another nation's treat and then forget the name and just call it an English muffin when trying to decribe it to our friends? British biscuit anyone?

      Regardless of what they are or how you are supposed to serve them, crumpets are definitely my favorite British thing for the day and I may very well go eat (another) one! Now if only I could get my hands on some devonshire cream *swoon*!


1 comment:

  1. I definitely found a recipe for vegan crumpets several months ago, and I for sure was planning on making them.

    That did not happen.

    But they look as delicious now as they did back then!


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