This a blog about my life and all the things that happen in between plans; deep thoughts, silly stories, and everything else.


Counting on my phalanges!

Did you know that the bones that make up both your fingers and your toes are called phalanges [fuh-lan-jeez]. Fun fact and fun to say! And here's another fun fact; you and I have 20... probably. And guess what else there are 20 of? There are 20 days until I embark upon an epic adventure! What adventure is this you ask? Let me give you a hint:

Hint #1
Got it figured out yet?
If you don't know by now... well there's just no helping you.

Did ya guess? Did you guess that my adventure will involve climbing to the top of that big pointy clock thingy to rescue that well dressed old lady who will then be so grateful to me that she leaves me her tea fortune? You did? Well then my friend, you have a very vivid imagination, congratulations!

That's not my adventure.

No, my adventure is more like moving to London all by myself and going to school there for three months!!! 

*for those of you playing the home game those hints were actually tea, the Queen, and Big Ben thus... London*

Sounds like an adventure to me especially for someone who's never lived more than 20 minutes from home... ever. Am I nervous? Oh god yes! Am I excited? WAY BIGGER YES! And I leave soon, so very soon I can count the days on my phalanges!

I bet you were wondering where the phalanges thing was going to tie in, huh?

This post has been your first warning of the things to come. I am not starting a new blog strictly for my study abroad experience, that will all become part of this blog. On the other hand, this blog won't become all about my study abroad time either, there will still be plenty of pointless silly posts. With this new information in mind, I invite you to subscribe to follow me on this adventure or delete this blog from your favorites. Which ever will make you happy!    

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