This a blog about my life and all the things that happen in between plans; deep thoughts, silly stories, and everything else.


Everyone's favorite lefty

     Why yes, yes it is another Beatles post! Kinda. 

     As all of you good Paul/Beatles/SNL fans know the good Sir was last night's Saturday Night Live musical guest! *pause for applause to subside* And I'm okay with telling you that he is the first musician I've actually heard of all season... or at least since Tom Petty and Pearl Jam but I think they were last season. Actually, I should rephrase that, I have heard of some of the other artists (I don't live under a rock [it's actually a dorm-cave, but it has wifi]) I just can't say I have heard any of their music. If you think that makes me some kind of music snob I'm hurt, but you are entitled to your musical opinions.

     Still, I know that, deep down, you know I listen to really froody music. (On a completely unrelated note, I would really like froody to catch on on this planet)

     Anyhoo, I just wanted to share this with you because hulu apparently can only deal with two music numbers per SNL episode (even though music legends get to play as many as they want, four in Paul's case). Also, I'm willing to bet that it won't be long before the network discovers their clip on YouTube (where it will make them no money) and steal it away once again. Luckily for me they can't steal it from my cable box. *insert evil laugh (preferably Zamir's if you've been lucky enough to hear it)*

   To put this in context it is 30 years and 3 days since John Lennon was killed in New York. Paul, being the sensitive and loving guy that he is, recognizes this and pays homage with one of John's most memorable Beatles tunes (the middle section of which was actually written/performed by Paul) which flowed seamlessly into The Plastic Ono Band's Give Peace a Chance. I thought that the performance was just about as eloquent a music can get. With the words and the tune and the message all speaking together so poignantly.

    Yeah, I teared up when Paul asked for people all over the world to sing together. I so deeply hope they did. But judging by the sound of the audience (whom you can't even hear on any other night due to the shows sound system) I think it was pretty probable that there was national even world wide singing going on.

     Then there's this little golden nugget. Shortly after I realized that becoming Mrs. McCartney (or Lennon or Harrison or Starkey) wasn't going to work out I decided that Mrs. Seth Meyers would be a very good plan B. So this was just... just... ah... swoon!

    I can't quite hear if he says it's the best or worst thing he's ever worked on but the dead pan sarcasm (and the fact that he's Paul) make it a small morsel of comedy genius,

   *Christmas Bonus, I'm going to let you in on how creepy I really am: as I write this I keep fantasizing that one day Paul himself will stumble upon this humble post. At which time my Beatles sense will tingle and I will slip into some sort of joyous coma. Do you think rock stars google themselves?*

1 comment:

  1. Saw this earlier on SNL, love it!! Your comments make it that much better!


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