This a blog about my life and all the things that happen in between plans; deep thoughts, silly stories, and everything else.


Olympians of the Future!

I've been trying to think of a good introduction for this post for ages now. Just something quick about how I'm a huge fan of the Olympics and how exciting it was to get to see the future Olympic Site, maybe there'd be a witty comment thrown in for good measure. It's just not happening, I'm drawing a blank. So let's just skip the boring intro (which is what this is turning out to be, I guess) and go straight to the video.

Actually, first, let's take a quick pause for an epic anthem. Ah yeah, that is good stuff right there. Does any one else fall into wonderful day dreams of gold medals and parades and international brotherhood when you hear this song? No, just me? OK then, on to the video!

That's right, I said video! This is a little mini-tour that Sarah and I whipped up from the viewing tube at the future site of the 2012 London Olympic Games! Enjoy! And when you're watching the games in a few months, remember you saw it here first!

Whew, I hope you appreciated that fine field-based journalism because it took a lot of research and configuring to get the video to post. I had to download special software and everything!

And  lastly, I have decided to share with you my champion pose. Because no post would be complete without me reminding you what a complete dork I am!


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