This a blog about my life and all the things that happen in between plans; deep thoughts, silly stories, and everything else.


I still have all of my fingers!

It's been a quiet summer around these parts. I'm not sorry.

Well, maybe I'm a little sorry.

Before I took the plunge into the already jam packed, luke-warm from body heat, virtual version of a Japanese swiming pool that is "the blogosphere", I decided that I would only write when I was feeling inspired or had something really good to write about. This tactic was to prevent this blog from becoming too much like all the other luke-warm blogs that are actually little more than diaries and journals that any poor soul can stumble upon. Because, let's face it, that is a recipe for disaster... and extreme boredom verging on who-gives-a-flying-fart-in-space-ness.

So, that's why I'm not sorry I haven't posted in a while. Clearly, I have not felt all that compelled to write. Therefore, anything I would have written in the parallel universe where I actually contributed to the blogosphere this summer most likely would have been completely sub par. Much like this post is now, but I don't feel bad because it's late and this is mostly fueled by an extreme will not to go to sleep because doing so will only bring tomorrow morning's dentist appointment, and all of its affiliated doom and terror, around all the more rapidly. Well, maybe I feel a little bad because you spent 2 minutes (give or take depending on how fast you read) reading this drivel and you can never get that time back. For that I am sorry.

The only reason that I'm maybe a little sorry for my lack of posts is that by no means have I had an uneventful or uninspiring summer. There were certainly an abundance of moments and events and ideas that I was compelled to write about. But I didn't. Probably because I forgot... or I was being lazy... or a honey badger ate my typing fingers. Yeah, proabably one of those things happened. (Hint: I'm typing this with my own fingers). So for being that lame, I am sorry. A little.

The good news is now I have a backlog of stories to write about in case of future dry spells (not that I'm foreseeing any of course). Plus, I'm getting ready to do a lot of cool stuff in the very near future so there's a lot of (hopefully) entertaining material there too!

My point is, I haven't forgotten about you (Mom) and this blog hasn't been completely abandoned so stay tuned because I'm gearing up for some big things!

*This is a hint as to what exactly I'm gearing up for, click if you dare!*

1 comment:

  1. What's with the (Mom) thing? I don't get it? Am I supposed too?


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